Boasting an electric, near
palpable energy.
Ho Chi Minh City (HCMC) is Vietnam's largest metropolis
and its undisputed capital of commerce. For the casual visitor,
Saigon -
as its still called by all but the city officials who live here - can
seem a chaotic mess of traffic-clogged roads and urban bustle, with nary
a green space in sight. Yet thousands of expats and Vietnamese
immigrants couldn't imagine living anywhere else. They've long since
fallen prey to the hidden charms of one of Southeast Asia's liveliest
cities. If every town had a symbol, Saigon's would surely be the
motorbike. More than three million of them fly along streets once
swarming with bicycles. Cruising along boulevards and back alleys
astride a xe om (motorbike taxi) is the quickest way to sensory overload
- daily fare in this tropical town. Teeming markets, sidewalk cafĂ©’s,
massage and acupuncture clinics, centuries-old pagodas, sleek
skyscrapers and ramshackle wooden shops selling silk, spices, baskets
and handmade furniture all jockey for attention amid the surreal urban
collage. Saigon is a forward-looking city driving Vietnam's economic
boom. Investment has led to new crop of lavish
hotels and restaurants,
with trendy nightclubs and nigh-end boutiques dotting tree-lined neighbourhoods. Yet the city hasn't forgotten its past. The ghosts live
on in the churches, temples, former Gl hotels and government buildings
that one generation ago witnessed a city in turmoil. The Saigon
experience is about so many things - magical conversations, memorable
meals and inevitable frustration - yet it's unlikely to evoke apathy.
Stick around this complicated city long enough and you may find yourself
smitten by it.

One Day
Start your morning with a steaming bowl of pho (rice-noodle soup),
followed by a stroll among the shops and galleries lining Đ Dong Khoi.
Make your way to the Museum of Ho Chi Minh City, then have lunch at
nearby Quan An Ngon. the place to sample a wide variety of Vietnamese
delicacies. Continue your journey into the past at the Reunification
Palace and the
War Remnants Museum. In the evening, catch the sunset and
stunning views from the rooftop bar of the Sheraton Saigon, followed by
an elegant meal at either Temple Club or Nam Phan. Have a nightcap at
Qing a small cosy wine bar.
Two Days
Begin the day at the lively
Ben Thanh Market, where you can grab a bite
while loading up on wooden knick-knacks, sweets and conical hats. Then,
grab a taxi 10 Cholon for a visit to the historic pagodas of HCMC's
Chinatown. Have lunch, then pay a final pagoda visit to Giac Lam, HCMC's
oldest and arguably most Impressive pagoda. As the afternoon wanes,
treat yourself to a massage or spa treatment at L'Apothiquaire a welcome
reward for tired gams. After detoxifying, start the fun all over again
with a decadent meal at Tib or Lemon
Around Sai Gon
The town of
Cu Chi is a district of greater HCMC and
has a population of about 200,000 (it had about 80,000 residents during
the American War). At first glance there is little evidence here to
indicate the intense fighting, bombing and destruction that occurred in
Cu Chi during the war. To see what went on, you have to dig deeper -
underground. The tunnel network of Cu Chi became legendary during the
1960s for its role in facilitating Viet Cong (VC) control of a large
rural area only 30km to 40km from HCMC. At its height the tunnel system
stretched from the South Vietnamese capital to the Cambodian border; in
the district of Cu Chi alone there were more than 250km of tunnels. The
network, parts of which was several storeys deep, included innumerable
trap doors, constructed living areas, storage facilities, weapons
factories, field hospitals, command centres and kitchens. The tunnels
made possible communication and coordination between the VC-controlled
enclaves, isolated from each other by South Vietnamese and American land
and air operations. They also allowed the VC to mount surprise attacks
wherever the tunnels went -even within the perimeters of the US military
base at Đong Du - and to disappear suddenly into hidden trapdoors
without a trace. After ground operations against the tunnels claimed
large numbers of US casualties and proved ineffective, the Americans
resorted to massive firepower, eventually turning Cu Chi's 420 sq km
into what the authors of The Tunnels of Cu Chi (Tom Mangold and John
Penycate) have called 'the most bombed, shelled, gassed, defoliated and
generally devastated area in the history of warfare'. Cu Chi has become
a place of pilgrimage for Vietnamese school children and communist party
cadres. Two sections from this remark able tunnel network (which are
enlarged and upgraded versions of the real thing) are open to the
public. One is near the village of Ben Dinh and the other is 15km beyond
at Ben Duoc. Most tourists visiting the tunnels end up at Ben Dinh, the
favourite of bus tours; those seeking more of a surreal,
funhouse-atmosphere should head to Ben Duoc.

The tunnels of Cu Chi were built over a period of 25 years that began
sometime in the late 1940s. They were the improvised response 01 a
poorly equipped peasant army to its enemy's high-tech ordnance,
helicopters, artillery, bombers and chemical weapons. The Viet Minh
built the first dugouts and tunnels in the hard, red earth of Cu Chi
(ideal for their construction) during the war against the French. The
excavations were used mostly for communication between villages and to
evade French army sweeps of the area. When the VC's National Liberation
Liberation front (NLF) insurgency began in earnest around 1960, the old
Viet Minh tunnels were repaired and new extensions were excavated.
Within a few years the tunnel system assumed enormous strategic
importance, and most of Cu Chi district and the nearby area came under
firm VC control. In addition Cu Chi was used as a base for infiltrating
intelligence agents and sabotage teams into Saigon. The stunning
attacks in the South Vietnamese capital during the 1968 Tet Offensive
were planned and launched from Cu Chi. In early 1963 the Diem government
implemented the botched Strategic Hamlets Program, under which fortified
encampments, surrounded by many rows of sharp bamboo spikes, were built
to house people who had been 'relocated' from communist-controlled
areas. The first strategic hamlet was in Ben Cat district, next to Cu
Chi. Not only was the program me carried out with incredible
incompetence, alienating the peasantry, but the VC launched a major
effort to defeat it. The VC were able to tunnel into the hamlets and
control them from within. By the end of 1963 the first showpiece hamlet
had been overrun. The series of setbacks and defeats suffered by the
South Vietnamese forces in the Cu Chi area rendered a complete VC
victory by the end of 1965 a distinct possibility. In the early months
of that year, the guerrillas boldly held a victory parade in the middle
of Cu Chi town. VC strength in and around Cu Chi was one of the reasons
the Johnson administration decided to involve US troops in the war. To
deal with the threat posed by VC control of an area so near the South
Vietnamese capital, one of the USA's first actions was to establish a
large base camp in Cu Chi district unknowingly, they built it right on
top of an existing tunnel network. It took months for the 25th Division
to figure out why they kept getting shot at in their tents at night, The
US and Australian troops tried a variety of methods to 'pacify' the area
around Cu Chi, which came to be known as the Iron Triangle. They
launched large-scale ground operations involving tens of thousands of
troops but failed to locate the tunnels. To deny the VC cover and
supplies, rice paddies were defoliated, huge swathes of jungle
bulldozed, and villages evacuated and razed. The Americans also sprayed
chemical defoliants on the area aerially and a few months later ignited
the tinder-dry vegetation with gasoline and napalm. But the intense heat
interacted with the wet tropical air in such a way as to create
cloudbursts that extinguished the fires. The VC remained safe and sound
in their tunnels. Unable to win this battle with chemicals, the US army
began sending men down into the tunnels. These 'tunnel rats', who were
often involved in underground fire fights, sustained appallingly high
casualty rates. When the Americans began using German shepherd dogs,
trained to use their keen sense of smell to locate trapdoors and
guerrillas, the VC began washing with American soap, which gave off a
scent the canines identified as friendly. Captured US uniforms were put
out to confuse the dogs further. Most importantly, the dogs were not
able to spot booby traps. So many dogs were killed or maimed that their
horrified handlers then refused to send them into the tunnels. The USA
declared Cu Chi a free-strike zone: little authorization was needed to
shoot at anything in the area, random artillery was fired into the area
at night, and pilots were told to drop unused bombs and napalm there
before returning to base. But the VC stayed put. Finally, in the late
1960s, American B-52s carpet-bombed the whole area,best replica watches destroying most of
the tunnels along with everything else around. The gesture was
militarily useless by then because the USA was already on its way out of
the war. The tunnels had served their purpose. The VC guerrillas serving
in the tunnels lived in extremely difficult conditions and suffered
horrific casualties. Only about 6000 of the 16,000 cadres who fought in
the tunnels survived the war. Thousands of civilians in the area were
killed. Their tenacity was extraordinary considering the bombings, the
pressures of living underground for weeks or months at a time and the
deaths of countless friends and comrades. The villages of Cu Chi have
since been presented with numerous honorific awards. decorations and
citations by the government, and many have been declared 'heroic
villages' Since 1975 new hamlets have been established and the
population of the area has more than doubled; however, chemical
defoliants remain in the soil and water, and crop yields are still poor.
The Tunnels of Cu Chi, by Tom Man gold and John Penycate, is a
wonderful work documenting the story of the tunnels and the people
involved on both sides.
Striking modern architecture and the eerie feeling you gel as you walk
through its deserted halls make
Palace one of the most fascinating
sights in HCMC. The building, once the symbol of the South Vietnamese
government, is preserved almost as it was on that day in April 1975 when
the Republic of Vietnam, which hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese and
58,183 Americans had died trying to save,Cartier Replica Watches ceased to exist. Some recent
additions include a statue of Ho Chi Minh and a viewing room where you
can watch a video about Vietnamese history in a variety of languages.
The national anthem is played at the end of the tape and you are
expected to stand up - it would be rude not to.
It was towards this building - then known as Independence Palace or the
Presidential Palace - that the first communist tanks to arrive in Saigon
charged on the morning of 30 April 1975. After crashing through the
wrought-iron gates - in a dramatic scene recorded by photojournalists
and shown around the world - a soldier ran into the building and up the
stairs to unfurl a VC flag from the 4th-floor balcony. In an ornate
2nd-floor reception chamber. Genera! Minh, who had become head of state
only 43 hours before, waited with his improvised cabinet. "I have been
waiting since early this morning to transfer power to you', Minh said to
the VC officer who entered the room. 'There is no question of your
transferring power', replied the officer. 'You cannot give up what you
do not have." In 1868 a residence was built on this site for the French
governor-general of Cochinchina and gradually it expanded to become
Norodom Palace. When the French departed, the palace became home for
South Vietnamese President Ngo Dinh Diem. So hated was Diem that his own
air force bombed the palace in 1962 in an unsuccessful attempt to kill
him. The president ordered a new residence to be built on the same site,
this time with a sizeable bomb shelter in the basement. Work was
completed in 1966, but Diem did not get to see his dream house because
he was murdered by his own troops in 1963. The new building was named
Independence Palace and was home to South Vietnamese President Nguyen
Van Thieu until his hasty departure in 1975. Norodom Palace, designed by
Paris-trained Vietnamese architect Ngo Viet Thu, is an outstanding
example of 1960s architecture. It has an airy and open atmosphere and
its spacious chambers are tastefully decorated with the finest modern
Vietnamese art and crafts. In its grandeur, the building feels worthy of
a head of state. The ground-floor room with the boat-shaped table was
often used for conferences. Upstairs in the
Presidential Receiving Room (Phu Dau Rong, or Dragon's Head Room)
- the one with the red chairs in it - the South Vietnamese president
received foreign delegations. He sat behind the desk; the chairs with
dragons carved into the arms were used by his assistants. The chair
facing the desk was reserved for foreign ambassadors. The room with
gold-coloured chairs and curtains was used by the vice president. You
can sit in the former president's chair and have your photo taken. In
the back of the structure are the president's living quarters. Check out
the model boats, horse tails and severed elephants' feet. The 3rd floor
has a card-playing room with a bar and a movie-screening chamber. This
floor also boasts a terrace with a heliport - there is still a derelict
helicopter parked here. The 4th floor has a dance hall and casino.
Perhaps most interesting of all is the basement with its network of
tunnels, telecommunications centre and war room (with the best map of
Vietnam you'll ever see pasted on the wall). Reunification Palace is not
open to visitors when official receptions or meetings are taking place.
English and French-speaking guides are on duty during opening hours.

Once known as the Museum of Chinese and American War Crimes, the
War Remnants Museum (Bao Tang Chung Tich
Chien Tranh) is now the most popular museum in HCMC with
Western tourists. Many of the atrocities documented here were well
publicised in the West, but rarely do Westerners have the opportunity to
hear the victims of US military action tell their own stories. US
armoured vehicles, artillery pieces, bombs and infantry weapons are on
display outside. Many photographs illustrating US atroci -tics are from
US sources, including photos of the infamous My Lai Massacre. There is a
model of the notorious tiger cages used by the South Vietnamese military
to house Viet Cong (VC) prisoners on Con Son Island and a guillotine
used by the French on Viet Minh 'troublemakers'. There are also pictures
of deformed babies, their defects attributed to the USA's widespread use
of chemical herbicides. In a final gallery, there's a collection of
posters and photographs showing support for the antiwar movement. There
are few museums in the world that drive home so well the point that war
is horribly brutal and that many of its victims are civilians. Even
those who supported the war would have a difficult time not being
horrified by the photos of children mangled by US bombing and napalming.
There are also scenes of torture - it takes a strong stomach to look at
these. You'll also have the rare chance to see some of the experimental
weapons used in the war, which were at one time military secrets, such
as the flechette (an artillery shell filled with thousands of tiny
darts). The War Remnants Museum is in the former US Information Service
building, at the intersection with Đ Le Quy Don. Explanations arc in
Vietnamese, English and Chinese. Though a bit incongruous with the
museum's theme, water-puppet theatre is
staged in a tent on the museum grounds
Built in 1909 by the Cantonese (Quang Dong) Congregation, the
Jade Emperor Pagoda (Phuoc Hai Tu or Chua
Ngoc Hoang) is truly a gem among Chinese temples. It
is one of the most spectacularly colourful pagodas in HCMC, filled with
statues of phantasmal divinities and grotesque heroes. The pungent smoke
of burning joss sticks fills the air, obscuring the exquisite
woodcarvings decorated with gilded Chinese characters. The roof is
covered with elaborate tile work. The statues, which represent
characters from both the Buddhist and Taoist traditions, are made of
reinforced papier-mache. The pagoda is dedicated to the Emperor of Jade,
the supreme Taoist god. Inside the main building are two especially
fierce and menacing figures. On the right (as you face the altar) is a
4m-high statue of the general who defeated the Green Dragon (depicted
underfoot). On the left is the general who defeated the White Tiger,
which is also being stepped on. The Taoist Jade Emperor (or King of
Heaven, Ngoc Hoang), draped in luxurious robes, presides over the
main sanctuary. He is flanked by his
guardians, the Four Big Diamonds (Tu Dai Kim Cuong), so named because
they are said to be as hard as diamonds. Out the door on the left-hand
side of the Jade Emperor's chamber is another room. The semi-enclosed
area to the right (as you enter) is presided over by Thanh Hoang, the
Chief of Hell; to the left is his red horse. Other figures here
represent the gods who dispense punishments for evil acts and rewards
for good deeds. The room also contains the famous
Hall of the Ten Hells - carved wooden panels illustrating the
varied torments awaiting evil people in each of the Ten Regions of Hell.
On the other side of the wall is a fascinating little room in which the
ceramic figures of 12 women, overrun with
children and wearing colourful clothes, sit in two rows of six. Each of
the women exemplifies a human characteristic, either good or bad (as in
the case of the woman drinking alcohol from a jug). Each fig ure
represents one year in the 12-year Chinese calendar. Presiding over the
room is Kim Hoa Thanh Mau, the Chief of All Women. The Jade Emperor
Pagoda is in a part of the city known as Da Kao. To get
here, go to 20 Đ Dien Bien Phu and walk half a block to the northwest.
Built between lS77and 1883,
Notre Dame Cathedral
is set in the heart of HCMC's government quarter. The
cathedral faces Đ Dong Khoi. It is neo-Romanesque with two 40m-high
square towers tipped with iron spires, which dominate the city's
skyline. In front of the cathedral (in the centre of the square bounded
by the main post office) is a statue of the Virgin Mary. If the front
gates are locked, try the door on the s de of the building that faces
Reunification Palace. Unusually, this cathedral has no stained-glass
windows: the glass was a casualty of fighting during WWII. A number of
foreign travellers worship here and the priests arc allowed to add a
short sermon in French or English to their longer presentations in Vietnamese. The 9.30am Sunday mass might be the best one for tourists to
HCMC's gingerbread Hotel deVille, one of
the city's most prominent landmarks, is now somewhat incongruously the
home of the Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee. Built between 1901 and
1908, the Hotel de Ville is situated at the northwestern end of ĐL
Nguyen Hue, facing the river. The former hotel is notable for its
gardens, ornate facade and elegant interior lit with crystal
chandeliers. It's easily the most photographed building in Vietnam. At
night, the exterior is usually covered with thousands of geckos feasting
on insects. Unfortunately, you'll have to content yourself with admiring
the exterior only. The building is not open to the public and requests
by tourists to visit the interior are rudely rebuffed.
A grand colonial building with a sweeping staircase, the
Municipal Theatre is hard to miss at the intersection of Đ Dong Khoi and
ĐL Le Loi.
Built by the Cantonese Congregation in the early 19th century, this
large pagoda (Ba Mieu, Pho Mieu or Chua Ba) is dedicated to Thien Hau and always has a mix of
worshippers and visitors, mingling beneath large coils of incense
suspended overhead. Thien Hau (also known as Tuc Goi La Ba) can travel
over the oceans on a mat and ride the clouds to wherever she pleases.
Her mobility allows her to save people in trouble on the high seas. The
Goddess is very popular in Hong Kong and Taiwan, which might explain why
this pagoda is included on so many tour-group agendas. Though there are
guardians to each side of the entrance, it it said that the real
protectors of the pagoda arc the two land turtles that live here. There
are intricate ceramic friezes above the roof line of the interior
courtyard. Near the huge braziers are two miniature wooden structures in
which a small figure of Thien Hau is paraded around the nearby streets
on the 23rd day of the third lunar month. On the main dais are three
figures of Thien Hau, one behind the other, all flanked by two servants
or guardians. To the left of the dais is a bed for Thien Hau. To the
right is a scale-model boat and on the far right is the Goddess Long
Mau, Protector of Mothers and Newborns.
Source: lonely